1. Getting Started
  2. Quickstart

Getting Started


  1. Create a new project

    If you already have a .NET project you can skip this step.

            dotnet new web -n MyApp
    cd MyApp
  2. Add packages

    Add the ImmediatePlatform packages as dependencies to your project.

            dotnet add package Immediate.Handlers
    # Optional:
    dotnet add package Immediate.Validations
    dotnet add package Immediate.Apis
    dotnet add package Immediate.Cache
  3. Register with DI

    Register Immediate.Handlers services with dependency injection.

            var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
    var app = builder.Build();
  4. Create your first handler

    Create your first handler that will accept a User ID and return a user.

    📝 Note: In this example, to keep things simple, we will fake the user. In a real application, you would likely load a user from a database.

    public static partial class GetUserQuery
    	public sealed record Query
    		public int UserId { get; set; }
    	public sealed record User(int UserId, string Username);
    	private static ValueTask<User> HandleAsync(
    		Query query,
    		CancellationToken token
    		var user = new User(query.UserId, "john");
    		return ValueTask.FromResult(user);

    You can now call the handler like so:

            public sealed class Consumer(GetUserQuery.Handler handler)
    	public async Task ConsumeAsync(CancellationToken token)
    		var response = await handler.HandleAsync(new("John"), token);
    		// do something with response
  5. (Optional) Turn your handler into an endpoint

    If you have opted to install Immediate.Apis you can easily turn your handler into an API endpoint.

    First modify your Program.cs to register the Immediate.Apis endpoints, like so:

            var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder();
    var app = builder.Build();
    // <MyApp> here will be the name of your project

    Then modify the handler like so:

    public static partial class GetUserQuery
    	// ...

Keep reading the docs to learn about addressing cross-cutting concerns like logging with behaviors, validating the queries and commands with Immediate.Validations and more! You can also check out our cookbook for complete, ready-made examples.