1. Immediate.Apis
  2. Creating endpoints


Creating endpoints

Any Immediate.Handlers handler can be transformed into an endpoint by appending a MapX attribute (MapGet, MapPost, etc.), like so:

public static partial class GetUsersQuery
    public record Query;

    private static ValueTask<IEnumerable<User>> HandleAsync(
        Query _,
        UsersService usersService,
        CancellationToken token)
        return usersService.GetUsers();


Registering the endpoints

In order for the endpoints to be seen by ASP.NET Core, they must be registered inside your Program.cs, by calling app.MapXxxEndpoints(), where Xxx is the shortened form of the project name.

  • For a project named Web, it will be app.MapWebEndpoints()
  • For a project named Application.Web, it will be app.MapApplicationWebEndpoints()