1. Immediate.Handlers
  2. Creating behaviors


Creating behaviors

Pipeline behaviors allow you to inject your own logic around the handling of requests, which lets you build a pipeline to address common cross-cutting concerns such as logging, validation etc. In fact, Immediate.Validations performs its validation of your queries and commands by using a behavior.

You can think of behaviors as akin to filters known from ASP.NET Core.

Creating a behavior

Behaviors can be created by implementing the Immediate.Handlers.Shared.Behaviors<,> class, as so:

        public sealed class LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>(ILogger<LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>> logger)
	: Behavior<TRequest, TResponse>
	public override async ValueTask<TResponse> HandleAsync(TRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
		var response = await Next(request, cancellationToken);
		return response;


This can be registered assembly-wide using:

        [assembly: Behaviors(


or on an individual handler using:

public static class GetUsersQuery
	// ..


Once added to the pipeline, the behavior will be called as part of the pipeline to handle a request.


Adding a [Behavior] attribute to a handler will disregard all assembly-wide behaviors for that handler, so any global behaviors necessary must be independently added to the handler override behaviors list.

Behavior Constraints

A constraint can be added to a behavior by using:

        public sealed class LoggingBehavior<TRequest, TResponse>
	: Behavior<TRequest, TResponse>
	where TRequest : IRequestConstraint
	where TResponse : IResponseConstraint


When a pipeline is generated, all potential behaviors are evaluated against the request and response types, and if either type does not match a given constraint, the behavior is not added to the generated pipeline.

Registering with IServiceCollection

Immediate.Handlers supports Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions directly. To register behaviors with DI, simply add the following to your Program.cs:

In your Program.cs, add a call to services.AddXxxBehaviors(), where Xxx is the shortened form of the project name.

  • For a project named Web, it will be services.AddWebBehaviors()
  • For a project named Application.Web, it will be services.AddApplicationWebBehaviors()

This registers all behaviors referenced in any [Behaviors] attribute.